Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thanksgiving at Grandmas

I forgot to put up these pictures with all the craziness!!

We had a fun day at Grandmas playing!

Elizabeth LOVES Grandma!!

Ben is playing with Cousin Lisa.

Billie and Elizabeth are great pals. Our guest bedroom at our house is labeled "Billie's room" by Elizabeth.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Time Flies!

Well, I am to the end of the photography rush and have just a bit of time to put a new post up here! Sorry it has been so long! I have been feverishly working on pictures and Christmas cards for different families!

These first two pictures are of Ben when he got his hands on his first biter bisquit. WARNING: These bisquits should only be given when you are prepared to bathe the child and wash the clothes immediately after!!

Elizabeth had a "mini" dance recital - which was really dance class with an audience and tutus. While she never does everything she is supposed to during dance class, she usually does quite a bit of it. However, she felt an audience was a perfect excuse to stand in one place and yawn.

Or Stick her hands in her leotard.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Here are a few pics from Thanksgiving day!

We alternate years for Thanksgiving day. This year was a "Riley" year. Hopefully we'll have some pics of the Hoffman side when we get together with them this weekend.

Elizabeth feasting on her favorite part of Thanksgiving - the candy bowl that is in reach.

Here is Ben feasting on Thanksgiving foot.

The Great Grandmas - Mamo and Great Grandma

Monkey Ben - holding his bottle with his feet!

Givin' Love Elizabeth Style

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Getting Creative

Here is Miss Elizabeth - doing her impression of the SADDEST "Got Milk?" commercial ever. She awakened from her nap on this day as crabby as can be. She told me she needed some medicine. I asked what for and she quickly cried, "to make me stop crying!" When I tried to rationalize that medicine was only for when we were sick, blah blah blah - she only cried harder. I set her down on the couch and told her I would make the best medicine for getting rid of the post nap crabbies. I mixed up some ice, some frozen strawberries, some milk, and some splenda in the blender. It made something that looked much like a strawberry shake (plus a good serving of fruit and milk!). It was highly successful because soon she was smiling big for the camera.

And then there is Ben. . .the little man is always so happy go lucky! He isn't on the move yet, but he is quickly mastering the roll. He can get to anything he wants by rolling here and there. There will be storms a brewing when he gets mobile enough to go after Elizabeth's stuff. She loves him dearly, but insists that her stuff will liquify in the presence of baby slobber.

Can you see the purple sunglasses turning to mush? I bet Elizabeth can!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


This is Elizabeth and Ben at the Halloween Party that one of Rich's companies had. Ben fell asleep and Elizabeth had a ball!

Then on Halloween night. . .Elizabeth decided she had to be Cinderella instead of Snow White. Ben was still ok with being a Lion. He is so agreeable these days.

Elizabeth had a fabulous time trick or treating! We had a few battles getting out the door. We couldn't wear tennis shoes because "Cinderella only wears glass slippers, Mommy". Then we are hiking around the neighborhood and I ask Elizabeth to put her coat on since it was getting cold. She looks at me exasperated and states "Have you ever seen Cinderella wear a coat?". I tried the "Belle wore a coat when she went out with Beast in the snow." To which she responded, "No Mommy, that was a fancy princess cloak, not a coat." Once we were walking home, she got cold enough to put it on. We came upon a big man in a big fluffy beard and Elizabeth exclaimed, "Is that Santa Claus?" It was actually Pawee dressed as Uncle Sam. Elizabeth was a little scared of him at first, but got over it. (That is Elizabeth's friend Madison again - aka Supergirl)

Welcome to our Blog

Well, the other address I did, everyone though was too long. So here is the new one! This is just a way for us to share stories and pictures with friends and family. Especially those who live far away. Hopefully Rich will hop on board, because let's face it he's the funny one (and the pretty one, so he tells me all the time).

The picture is an adorable picture that Emily Evans sent me from Zoie's fundraiser. The girls, obviously, could not get enough of the face painting. As the evening went on, they were allowed to face paint the face painters. Those two ended up with more paint than the three girls combined!