Thursday, June 5, 2008

Disney 2008

We had a FABULOUS time at Disney World! It is hard to say who had the most fun and who was the most impressed. Here are a few of our pictures - in no particular order. :)

This is Elizabeth's before picture. She went to the Bippiti Boppiti Boutique for a "makeover". She thought it was lots of fun -- but she was VERY tired from our big day at MGM the previous day!

This is the after pictures. She picked the Belle Dress, the "Diva" hair, and the gold sparkly flip flops.

This is Elizabeth with her pink fuzzy princess book and Mickey pen. She carried this book with her everywhere and would jot down "notes" while she waited in line.

We saw Mickey Mouse! Of course - Mom had to jump in on that picture!

Here we are at the Magic Kingdom. Ben spent a lot of time napping in his stroller - and it is possible he spent more time enduring than enjoying. But he even had a good time - especially when he got out of his stroller!

More pictures from the beach - coming soon!!

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