Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Just another average Wednesday - DPP2020 Day 2


A lot of people who do the December Photo project have a theme.  My favorite has been a woman who took all her photos in front of a blue wall and she had all the photos were outrageously original.  Costumes and props that just brought the photos to life.  Today's photo has me wondering if I should see how long I can post photos with different Hoffmans flopped over.  This is the look of a hard working girl who needs her dinner!  She found her mark in her Uncle Tev who she called and so sweetly said, "Don't you think we need to order a delicious chicken pesto panini from Jason's Deli?"   He, as he does, mocked her a little and then indulged her whim.   My night owl, non morning person daughter asked her coach for some time in the gym and she was given 6am.  Without complaint, she got herself up and out by 5:45am to get some extra reps.  She missed two weeks of practice for a school exposure quarantine and she wants to get back in game form as soon as possible.  So she did her independent morning work out and did her team workout after school.  I think I would want to sweet talk someone into a panini as well!  Basketball is great - but these lessons that she gets from learning to invest in herself are even better.  To put time into the things she loves, to work for the outcomes she wants, and find the reward in the work more than the outcome - those are the things that make her time in this sport 100% worth it. Well that and the fact she loves it.    

Do not be fooled by the above photo.  Though she was spent - after that panini arrived so did some ornery energy and the chase was on.....

Today, as I went to pick up the puppy from getting groomed, I got a call from the youngest.  She wasn't feeling the same commitment to basketball as her big sis.  A few weeks ago she had an issue with her hip joint that kept her out of basketball and PE for a couple weeks.   Our child, who was healthy as a horse until the mention of basketball practice, had an acute reoccurrence of her leg pain.  This time, it was much more serious.  It had affected both legs.  Clearly - the only answer was to be put into a comfy spot so she could watch some movies and relax.  Like any mom, I had my suspicions and all plans for dodging practice were dashed away by the report that she could just watch and learn from her other teammates while they played and she watched.   Interestingly, probably a finding worthy of a medical journal entry, the ride to basketball provided a complete cure and practicing was able to occur with nary an additional complaint.  Phew!   I shouldn't tease because this kid rarely complains or uses the convenient excuse - but we all have our days.   

She bounced back well and is here chair dancing with each right answer from her spelling list.  Her Uncle Tev has created a spelling bee quiz show and for each right answer, she gets an imaginary $10 added to her score.   This photo is of her particular enthusiasm as she reached $80 in pretend game show cash.   

  This dance usually came with a song that went something to the effect of "I got more money!   got more money!"   

Finally, I had to get a few photos of a very common occurrence at our house.  So common that I have long ago stopped seeing the fun in it.   I mean, someone has to be the "Stop it!  You are going to break something or someone!" person.  It appears I drew that short straw.   I love the moments when I can see glimpses to the kind of fun they will have when they are older - likely with some fighting in between.

My favorite was the ask for them to stop before they break something or someone was responded to with a clear, WE WON'T!  That was followed with the immediate crash of a small nativity.   Both boys eyes were wide as if they immediately understood the irony of how fast the crash happened after the assurance that they wouldn't do just that.   Fortunately, no small nativity pieces have been harmed in this learning opportunity.   

Lots of activity today and lots of fun.  The kids were joyful, fun and we had a great day.  My eyes are drooping and it is time for bed.   

For those interested:  Here is the devotional I am doing.  Today's message was about willingness.   Pretty remarkable thoughts.   

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