Sunday, December 8, 2013

DPP Day 7

What a fantastic day was had at the Hoffmans!  I banned all screens this morning in anticipation of our "let's get snowed in party" that was planned for this evening.  This resulted in lots of play time and great sibling bonding time.  Warms a mama's heart big time!  I hustled through a bunch of laundry this morning so we could get some Christmas staples accomplished. 

Brandon is my little chef.  He helps me cook absolutely everything that he possibly can.  So I expect that he will be a big help in the Christmas cooking making and giving of 2013.  Today was molasses cookie day.  They remind me of Mamo.  :)  It doesn't hurt that the recipe is written in her handwriting.  Truly something I would recommend anyone to do.  Those favorite recipes that come from your mom, your grandma, uncle, etc, get them to write them on your recipe cards for you.  When they are gone, I can not tell you how comforting it is to still have their handwriting.  I am hoping this isn't one of the many things the digital age will take away.

Ben wanted to spend the day with Omom and Pawee so Brandon, Katherine, Elizabeth and I got the tree decorated.  It isn't balance and there are pockets with 100 ornaments and spaces with none.  But it is ours and therefore, it is perfect.  I was so surprised at how effective of a team Elizabeth and Brandon were.  I couldn't keep up with them!  All I had to do was place a few ornaments high up in the tree.  They did the rest!

Tonight, Elizabeth has a friend over to spend the night.  My family was hoping we would go to their house to get snowed in and have a sleepover.  But going anywhere for an overnight with a baby, I might as well pack the whole house.  So they packed up and came here.  We have had chili, popcorn, movies, Christmas carols, and a Muppets Christmas movie.  Now it is time to tuck everyone into their beds. 

After a long hard week, a day at home was just what I needed.  I never did get out of my pjs!  Since we were here all day, I got a lot of pictures with a lot of stories.  I will try to only pick a few of my favs. 

 These two mean business when they play superheros.  The benefits of sharing a room and pooling your toys. 
 The girls were in Elizabeth's room playing too.
 I have titled this picture "The key to a good Saturday morning."
 This picture cracks me up.  I love it so much!  Brandon's face as he directs people who are not listening.  Ben's face as he clearly disagrees with whatever Elizabeth has suggested.  Katherine's face as she seems to think this is all for her entertainment.  Love it.  :)
Katherine is getting sleepy. . .

 This picture is fine on its own but when you know the story - it becomes a bit more interesting.  I had put the vanilla wafers in a Tupperware and there were a few that didn't fit.  I handed the bag to Elizabeth and asked her to share fairly.  She gave all but 5 of the wafers to Brandon and kept her 5 in the bag.  Brandon would not believe that he had more than her and was sure that she was not sharing.  So in this picture, he is ignoring his big pile of wafers and just staring down that bag that he is sure that he wants!
 An essential final step to the cookie making process.
The tree trimming team!
 And the post for today is this picture. . .because it was just too cute.
Just one of the girls. . .

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