Tuesday, December 14, 2021

DPP 2021 - Day 14 - There was a wall of meat......


Has anyone else noticed how incredibly beautiful the skies have been lately?  Big B and I got up early to go do a pet sitting job before school and we were rewarded with this unbelievable sky.  Big B noticed it first.  I snapped this out my car window and did absolutely nothing to the photo.  Almost makes me want to get up to see the sunrise more often. . . .almost.   I am grateful to my friend who asks B to watch her kitty.  It is definitely one of B's gifts to care for animals.  He is attune to what animals are letting him know about what their preferences are and respects them even over his own desire to give attention to the animal.  My other children do not always exhibit this gift and B tries to teach it, but overcoming selfish desire is tough. . . . even for grown ups.  

The beauty of today didn't end with the sunset.  It was that it was a pretty standard day.  I am sure you think, great - what is so exciting about that?!?!  That is fair as this was the type of day that I would barely note most of the year.  There wasn't much beyond going to work and a school concert that was noteworthy.  However, there is nothing like a time of trial to open your eyes to the blessings of the ordinary.  The richness and comfort of the common.  I relished the typical feel that today had and for today, I noticed it.  There will come a day again that I will take for granted the regular day but for today, it felt like a gift.  Speaking of gifts, today was the Christmas party for campus.   I wasn't able to go because I was hustling out west to pick up Lil B.   More on that in a minute. . . but first, I had to share with you what my friend sent me that was at the party. . . .

It is a wall of meat, with more meat and cheese sticking out of it.   I have no words.....  At least they threw a few veggies on top?   It really raises more questions than it provides answers.  

But alas, the meat wall did not get my attention today because my son picked the bass in the orchestra.  When you are the van driver and your son plays the bass, you have to get to school for pick up because there is only one car that instrument is fitting in!  The orchestra and band concert was fantastic.  I am always amazed at how much they learn so early on.  Elementary orchestra and band teachers are under-appreciated - no matter how much we appreciate them. I also look forward to when they have learned more as those "learning" notes sometimes get the best of my spine.  Lil B really seems to enjoy both but if he had to pick, he would pick trumpet.  I didn't get a picture of him with the trumpet just by the nature of where my seat was but here is my bass playing man.  

There were also two cute audience members whom were very happy to see they weren't the only involuntary audience member.  

And no band and orchestra concert would be complete without some mandatory ice cream afterward.  Or a cheese Runza if you are the Dad.  

The day ended with another very common sighting this year.  This young lady spends all too much of her late evenings studying instead of sleeping.   She was getting a little goofy here and kept saying, "For your blog!" before striking another silly pose.   Between each overly posed, cheesy smile picture - she would laugh, almost maniacally, and then look at me wild eyed and said, "I am a little punchy."  She then sat with me at the kitchen table.  We turned on instrumental Christmas music, lit a Christmas-y candle, brewed some keurig apple cider and worked facing the Christmas tree.  If we both must work late into the night, we are at least going to have a cozy "vibe" going.  I feel certain that I used that wrong but that is what the kids say these days.  Plus, I love to use slang to make her roll her eyes at me.  One of the many ways I try to remind her not to take herself so seriously by clearly modeling that.  The other ways are dancing around the kitchen at every opportunity, singing loudly and obnoxiously in the car, and embracing my inner nerd. These photos imply she is catching on.     

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