Monday, December 6, 2021

DPP2021 Day 5 - Holding on


This had to be the image for today.   I don't know how this started but I love it now.  When we attend church, during the music, this is how these four stand every single week.  Sometimes K stands facing the front and sometimes she just hugs E.  Lil B has always loved being best buddies with his daddy and so they gravitate to one another.   What you do not see is the two goofballs that remain.  Big B and I change up our routine.  It depends on the week if Big B wants to lean in or stand independently.   Today was a banner day.  A little leaning in, a little dancing and singing, and a lot of fun.   

One of the things we always look forward to is decorating our tree.  It isn't coordinated or fancy but it just perfect for us.  All of the ornaments given over the years.  It began with the stories being told by me and slowly the stories begin to get taken over by the kids.   The traditions start being held up with the children's prompts instead of ours.  As they begin to take ownership of certain parts, I am reminded how these are the ties that bind.  Their personalities are all so different but the mesh so well (most of the time) and I can see glimpses into future friendships.  I pray that they will be close and enjoy each others company for life.  

Rich's mom comes up most Sundays and joins us for church.   She often folds and puts away the kids laundry.  She spoils both them and me!   Honestly - how did I get so lucky?! She began this when Big B was supposed to start taking over his own laundry.  But today, she took time away to sit and look at all the clay ornaments that she has gotten the children over the years.  Each child has one for each year from her and she has purchased them from a woman she used to work with.  It is always a special part of the Christmas tree decorating to look at all those ornaments that Grandma picked out for them.   

As we finished up - I got our yearly kids in front of the Christmas tree photo.  I was about to take it when the children exclaimed - “We need the Santa hats!!”

I love this big belly laugh that Big B caused in K because he put on the baby Santa hat which really did not fit in any way, shape or form.   She was just getting ready to pout because she was given the baby one (even though I had another one) when Big B came running saying, "I'll wear it!"  You gotta love a big brother who does not take himself too seriously.   You can even see in Lil B's eyes - that despite his 3am sleepover bedtime and corresponding crabbiness - he can't help but find this amusing.  He does deserve a shout out because even though he was exhausted, he really rose to the challenge and made it through the decorating with minimal impatience.   

So incredibly blessed by these sweet kiddos.  They are the best.

Lil B has been working hard with my friend Marshall.  Marshall kindly lets Lil b come over to his house about once a week and they work on projects.  Lil b has made a wooden Chiefs flag that hangs in his room.  Lil b took Brian's passing really hard and has been a Chiefs fan ever since.  Taking up the charge so that Brian knows it is continuing on.   But here, you see the workbench that he made with Marshall.  This thing is STURDY.   I am so impressed.  And now, Lil b spends as much time at his desk as possible.  Here he is talking on the phone with his friend while attempting to play video games - with the heater running because the garage is cold.   I am sure my power bill is gonna be awesome before this winter is over.   I am so grateful to Marshall for investing in B and I am so impressed with Lil b for taking the initiative to fight to learn this skill.  He reminds us and asks us to work with Marshall.  He is committed.  Every year there is one kid that is too busy to find my camera - this year, Lil b is the one I am going to have to make sure I find - success!

K and I ended the day with Mom and K school.   This is something new that we started this year.  I noticed effects of Covid on her education and I decided to see what would happen if we did a little homeschool curriculum when we had time.  I sold it as our special time and that she could earn books for completed lessons and toys for completed sections.   We both love it so much.   Doesn't hurt that we usually have hot apple cider while we do it.   See - you have to get some learning done while it cools off or it will burn your mouth!  Today, she had to work through and find some grit on a difficult task - but today was earn a book day - so she got through it!  We did some good skip counting with all different sizes of bills and we reviewed ew, ow, and ou with some timed reading.  She clearly has had something that makes her hate to be timed.  But she worked through it and thrived!  We were practicing our reading like Jesse Owens practiced running and just tried to get faster.  She cut her time to 1/3 her starting time.  Now she likes that timer just a smidge more.  I am just holding on to this time that is both productive and fun for both of us.  

PS - this was so much fun - Lil b has started a middle school reading curriculum.  It challenges him but he is having fun too.    How did I accomplish this!?!?!   I do love the time with them though so I will hold on until they won’t allow it any longer.  

Tonight I finished up my night with Mom, Dad, and Kevin.   Dad was a little more tired today but managed to still come to K's basketball game.  She suppressed her smiles at him and Grandma while being very careful not make eye contact every time she made a basket.  Sunday nights I try to get them set for the week. Tonight that was in making a few meals for the fridge, oatmeal cookies, and freshly washed bedding.   We also ordered groceries that Kevin so sweetly orders, pays for and has delivered.  I have been teasing Kevin since he began doing the groceries about the magic grocery website.  Where you load it up with groceries, it never asks for payment and they just show up - for free!  Kevin comically objects whenever I tell people - oh don’t worry - I can get that for you for free as I have a magic grocery service.   Now, as I catch up this blog, it is very late and my bed is calling.  I will go to bed holding on to the warm happiness that comes from a day well lived.   Let's do this week.   

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