Wednesday, December 22, 2021

DPP2021 Day 22 - Signs of the times....

 This is what it looks like when a die hard gamer just needs a little pick me up snack.   Wandering around the house loudly talking with his online buddies and "teaming" their way through a video game stopping only long enough to take a big chomp out of his gingerbread house.  This little man loves anything that has interaction as part of it.  He has never been one for video games or screens because it was an individual activity but now that he can play with his school friends, he is all about it.  

E had a bunch of friends over and they found this sight hysterical.   He was completely oblivious to all of us watching him and giggling at his snacking method.   He had a match to win and kept his focus.  

Today was full of fun for E as she and her friends had their second annual "friend" Christmas.  These four are entertaining to be around and it is never dull.  They went a few weeks ago to purchase matching PJs and planned a day of Christmas fun.  

They got gifts for one another - and E and the pink bunny both got each other the exact same thing which only made the gift more perfect.  The young man in the black sweatshirt gave them all a trip to Kobe for Christmas (I was jealous!) so their Christmas celebration got to continue longer than the originally planned 6pm.  They frosted Christmas cookies and watched Christmas movies as well.   Well, if you can call it watching the movie.   This is apparently how teenagers watch movies....

They finished their evening going to see the new Spiderman movie.  Sounds like a really fun day to me.  I am so grateful that E has found some good and loyal friends.  She has had a lot of unkind people in the wake of life and it makes me appreciate friends like these three all the more.   Mostly, I am glad that they know how to make any day fun doing any activity.  They laugh a lot and pester each other like brothers and sisters.  

I didn't take any other photos for the day.  Lil b played in a very short basketball tournament (2nd place medal secured), Big B went to mom and dads to help Kevin with wrapping and doing all the things I would normally do.  He sweetly made sure they had lunch, did dishes, cleaned up messes and tried to anticipate what might bother my mom.  He has such a good heart and he isn't afraid of hard work.   K was mom's buddy all day.  She helped me bake cookies, watched basketball with me, frosted cookies with the teenagers, and helped me cook dinner.   I like that cute little shadow.  I know those days are numbered and I am soaking up all the times that she likes being with me. 

Tomorrow we begin our Christmas celebrations with Rich's family.  We haven't seen them all in ages.  Looking forward to reconnecting after a long time away.    

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