Wednesday, December 1, 2021

DPP2021 Day 1 - The Theme

 It is that time of year again.  I spent the majority of the day trying to decide if I was going to tackle this project this year.  In reality, I don't have time.  I am not sure where it is going to fit in.  The deciding factor is that this blog brings me joy - not only during the month of December but in other times when I go back to read about these snapshots in time that remind me of who we were as a family, what we were experiencing, and seeing elements of my kids personalities that have changed and adapted over time.  I couldn't give that up.  The photo above is a quick photo I took once I decided I would give this a go this year.  I felt it was a good image of K pondering.   Thinking and studying on a poster on the wall. 

I think for this year, my focus will be the silver linings, the light in the dark, and the things to be grateful.   Basically, I want to find the good in the hard because it is always there.  Last year at this time, you may remember that on December 1st, right after the purchase of a new vehicle and mid home improvement project, Rich was layed off from his job.   It was hard to see any light or silver linings in that time.  It was a hard pill to swallow three weeks before Christmas with other financial stressors in front of us.  But as I sit here today, I can tell you that I believe that this was one of the best things that has ever happened to Rich.  His previous job had long been taking for granted the value and tremendous know how he brought to their organization.   But Rich was loyal and he helped to build that company so he was not going to leave on his own.  Today, he was recognized for his value to his new company and they went out of their way to express their appreciation for the work he does and the value he provides.  What a difference a year makes and how easy it is to see now that the hard December 1st last year was laying the groundwork for the joy of this December 1st.   So my goal for this year is to look for those blessings in amongst the mess so it doesn't take me a year to reflect on them.  

The other goal for this year is to find rest in the most crazy time of year.  Here, my sweet big kid is getting some much needed rest.  She is working so hard in school and dedicating herself to her future which sometimes means late nights of studying.  The semester has not been without struggle - especially in Physics - but she finds her way.  She isn't afraid of hard work, seeking help, and stubbornly refusing to give up.  These are qualities that I know will serve her so well in the future.  This impromptu nap likely got in the way of her studying and may mean another late night tonight.  But we let her sleep anyway.  She just seemed too peaceful to disturb.   Using this blog to find those places of peace and rest will likely be good for my soul as well.    

So today, I am grateful for the perspective that time brings.  For how different of a day today was for Rich than one year ago.   For the rest of my loved ones, for the joy of celebration, and for the thoughtfulness this blog allows me.   Most of all, I am grateful for the full and fun family that provides me with content for the blog so that I can remember all the things about this phase of life.   

1 comment:

Marty Hadding said...

First, it is so good to pop in again this year and catch up! That is one of the best things about the DPP to me...the way I get to revisit "friends" each year :-)
Second, so much of what you shared in this post resonates with me! You voiced much of what I can also testify too. God is gracious and kind and faithful beyond measure!