Thursday, December 2, 2021

DPP2021 Day 2 - A little bit of a lot.

 Well - the day ended with these two beauties which was a really fun way to end a long and full day.   The day started like many others.  The rush of the morning chaos as four kids hustle to get ready after sleeping until the last possible moment.  Big B returning to school after a headache kept him home the day before and had already began to dread the prospect of catching up on all his work.   E rushing to not make the same mistake as the day before of oversleeping and finding herself running behind.   Lil B preparing for his safety patrol duties that he takes very seriously.  Any ounce of authority makes this kiddo feel right at home.   And finally, K gets to have a few slow moments after the rest of them leave.  To soak in a few more moments at home without the hustle and bustle.  In that moment of soaking it in, she found the hilarious singing Homer that Rich's sister Billie got for him.  It has been a favorite every time the decorations come out each year.  No matter where it finds its home - it doesn't matter.  It will land in various locations thanks to the constant attention the kids give it.   Here is Katie enjoying the silly Deck the Halls song while helping him jingle the bells.   

With all the kids off, I was able to return home to get some work done in the peace and quiet.  I love our life and the controlled chaos of it all.  The noise and clatter that comes with having four children - all of whom can be noisy in their own ways.  Though anyone that knows our kiddos know that Lil B takes home the gold on noisiness.  He has a special talent.  It makes our home almost buzz with energy and I know that I will miss that some day.   There is nothing I love more than having all my kiddos home and around - but the peace of having my coffee at my kitchen table while I work in the quiet is a special change of pace.   It brings focus and intention to my work from home day and makes it feel cozy.   

A late lunch break took me to do my part of the Wheeler Red Cross blood drive.   There is such a shortage of blood that the Red Cross really needs all of us that can donate to donate.  It was a good way to spend a lunch break knowing that I could do some small part to help someone who is likely going through a challenging time in life.  My brother needed so much blood when they were trying to save him and I am not sure I could ever replace it on my own with all the donations in all of my life - but I can sure try.  Makes me feel close to him and as a tribute to him.   

Post donation, I felt fine but I was exhausted.  Because it was a beautiful day, I had parked in the back corner of the lot.  Sitting in the sunshine and post donation, I got super sleepy.  I feel like my eyes show it here. So instead of trying to drive when I was so tired, I set my phone to alarm in 20 minutes and I reclined the car seat and I closed my eyes.  I had just intended to rest but I fell sound asleep.  Like, wake up and not know where you are asleep.   It was a very short rest but man did it make me feel so much better.   

After I returned home and finished my work day, I checked on my parents and did my dad's antibiotic infusion and headed home to get ready for a holiday party.  Rich and I ran kiddos around every which direction but still managed to get away for awhile.   This party was at the House of R which was incredibly beautiful and a cool place to have a party.   The food was great and there was a wreath making station.   I had more fun making a wreath - and then making the wreath I know Rich really wanted to make but didn't want to steal that joy from me.   Ha!   

 Wreath making was even more fun because I was able to reconnect with these ladies.  From elementary kiddos, to Destination Imagination, to wreath making.  If this is not the recipe for the bonds of friendship - I don't know what is.   This was a fun project.   This is a bold statement considering that I spilled Jessica's wine with the hot glue gun cord, burned my fingers many a times while trying to situate my decorations, and my complete dependency on Jessica's awesome bow making abilities.   But the first photo - and my selection for the day 2 photo is the finished product for the twin wreaths intended to hang in the front of our house.   I love that as I see them each day, I will get to remember these ladies, this party, and how much fun we had on this Thursday evening.   My only regret was not getting to talk with more people but hot glue waits for no one.  

A little shout out here at the end for my handsome hubby that happily chatted with people while I was busy making wreaths and burning fingers.    He is one of the friendliest and funniest people I know.   It is a joy to watch people get to know him better.  I have always admired his disarming authenticity that places people at ease and lets them know that he is just a heart of gold kind of guy - with a goofy and often edgy sense of humor.   But he is so dang sweet, no one ever seems to mind.   He is a great one - not sure how I got so lucky.  

I was sitting - after a visit to the brownie and cheesecake bar - yes, you heard me right and it was just as glorious as it sounds - when my brother had called to see why we hadn't picked up our son from basketball.   As they say, time flies when you are having fun.  When surrounded by such great people and brownie bars, losing track of time is par for the course, I suspect.   With our parents of the year award in jeopardy, we quickly said our goodbyes and returned to the life of being parents to busy and wonderful kiddos.   We were late with pick ups and late with bedtimes - but right on time for some much needed togetherness and festive joy that this evening provided.   My heart is full and the silver linings and peace are not hard to find today.  They were the headliners.    

1 comment:

MOL said...

You find joy and happiness in the midst of hard things - joy in everyday things and in friends. I am glad you have taken time for the fun times as you handle the tasks that are challenging.