Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Day 8 and Day 9 - Say yes.... figure it out later.

Sometimes the best things in life come from saying yes and figuring it out later.  That has been a motto of most of my adult life.  Fearlessly forging forward into projects that I don't know how I will do or when I will have time for it.  My experience tells me that you always get great things from those opportunities.  You either succeed, you learn, you grow, or you do all of the above and more.   I did say yes to helping to decorate the Millard West locker room for our girl basketball players.   My partner in crime was awesome and thought about the project before the day before it needed to be done.  She was on the ball, had supplies in hand, and ideas in her head.  She tolerated my squeezing the work in between basketball, piano lessons and more.  I need those people in my life and I am eternally grateful for her.  We busted out the cricut on day 8 which had been collecting dust for far too long and made some stars for the lockers.  Day 9, we decorated the locker room.  The girls came in while we were there and their reaction was fantastic.  Not only did their genuine surprise and gasps let us know they liked it, they were kind and thankful in their interactions with us.  Definitely made saying yes worth it for both of us.  Plus, I really liked getting to know my partner in crime better - she is truly the best.

We had a little more basketball on Day 8.  It was K's turn to have her game.  I hadn't planned to take my big camera as I didn't really see the point.  Little kid basketball rarely moves fast enough to need anything besides a cell phone.  But I had brought it for the other kid's games so I said yes and boy did I figure out it was worth it later when I looked at the pictures.   They were so cute.  Here are just a few of my favorites and the stories behind them. 

My favorite story of the game is the picture I will use for day 8.   All of a sudden, while all her teammates were practicing shooting, I noticed that K wasn't there.  I looked around a bit.  When I found her, I snuck up behind her to grab a quick photo.   The coach saw me doing it and came up to me.  "Isn't that the cutest thing?  Do you know why she is standing there?"   "No, I just thought it was a cute little stance."  "She asked me when she was able to play more basketball and I told her as soon as those green numbers are done counting down.   She has been there watching the numbers since I told her that.  I think she loves basketball."    Well didn't that just make me love the picture more....  Had I not had my big camera trying to shoot her during half time shooting, I would have missed this adorable moment.

K is a pretty fierce baller.  She wants to be like her big sister in every way.  I pray every day that her big sister continues to set a great example that is worthy of her adoration.
Look at the form....what?!?!!  She made that jump shot.

Equally humorous during halftime, I took this picture and titled it:   "Cheering Section?"

And just a quick moment for a little Daddy Daughter snuggling.  Doesn't E look thrilled?  Honestly, these two are hilarious together.  They tease and needle each other nearly constantly.  Joking about who is taller and calling each other shorty.  Rich once made print out pictures about being a short girl and E printed out her dad's face and superimposed it onto the short girl.   Love that they have this fun relationship.

The last few moments to share of Day 8 just shows some of the simply joys that happen when life is just going on around you.  We had some brown chair in the morning (our favorite and an easy yes - no figuring out later needed) when in comes Lil b to tell us that he and K have been working on rubber band necklace.  They decided to combine them.   Whoa.....

Our bigs have to do their own laundry as part of their payment for having a cell phone.  Big B is slow to do his and complains about the entire process.  Naturally, he had waited too long to do laundry so he was forced to sneak down to grab some pants while carefully staying concealed.  I mean, he has little siblings who are likely to sing about England and France if he isn't careful.

Finally, a quick Panera lunch stop in between all the stops had these three snuggled on once side of the booth waiting for their food.  E took this with her phone but I loved it too much not to include it.

Day 9 was light on the pictures and stories - except for the one below.  But we did squeeze in a post piano dinner at Culver's with an awesome Uncle and a loving Grandma.   It was a busy but great day.

OH MY GOODNESS!   I almost forgot!   We had a parent watch day at dance class!  It was tough leaving work today in time to get here for there were a hundred things to do.  However, I said yes - and I will figure out the work tomorrow.   It was adorable to watch her dance and smile from ear to ear doing it.  Reminded me of all my years at Janet's dance studio, both dancing and teaching.   Grateful to my sweet friend Jessica who takes K each week.   K and her friend Mia have the best time together. 

Off to bed for this tired mama! 

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