Monday, December 2, 2019

DPP2019 Day 2 - Sneak Peaks

As Mondays go - there wasn’t a lot of time for photos between work, dinner prep, and shuttling kids. I am even typing this from my cell phone at the end of the night because all of my photos are on my phone anyway.  Please forgive any errors.

One of the blessings of this blog is the moments to process through the every day and remember the mundane moments.   Today was one of those days.  Without this blog, I likely would have gone to bed without much thought about today.

Today’s photo is called Sneak Peak - because I could hear these two playing upstairs and I quietly climbed up to see if I could catch them.

These are the moments that make weathering the bickering worthwhile.  I hope that we are sowing the seeds for lifelong togetherness within our kiddos.  Some days that seems like an impossible hope but then there are sweet moments of happy play.  Begging for 5 more minutes which I happily grant - though I can’t let them know I am happy to do so.  He is twice her age but he meets her where she is. His special talent is meeting people where they are, loving them for who they are, and inclusion.  Sometimes the world and even a few of those closest to him don’t return that to him but he stays the course.  And she has a huge heart for her whole family.  We all hold the sun and moon in her eyes.  There is no greater insult than when one of her siblings is “rude” to her.  (All negative behavior in her eyes is "rude".  If I had a nickel for the number of times I hear, "*insert name* is being rude to me.")  The ultimate insult and she reacts passionately.  She loves big and hurts big.  She shares her brothers intuitive caring and looking out for others.   Grateful for these two big hearted kiddos. They get it from their Daddy.

This is a sneak peak of this week.  She has her first high school basketball game this week.  She crashed here to snuggle the dog who decided the two backpack girl was just too much.  She stayed put - tired and worn out.  This kiddo works so hard.  She puts her heart into all that she does.  I am grateful for how well she balances the many parts of her life.  She is really busy and she handles it with grace. I admire her sense of self and her strength.  She is good about defining her worth in things that matter instead of outside influences.  Every once in a great while, she gives me sneak peaks into life with teenagers.  Whoever said having a teenager is like having your heart walking around outside your body really got it right.  She is a great kiddo and I am grateful for that. But I also know she has so much to learn and some of it will come in hard life lessons.  Most days are normal but then there are the days that feel like your heart is being squeezed and you can barely breathe.  Worrying is the worst. Is it going to be a long 13 years of teenagers.  Praying that we teach the lessons they all need to make the right choices.   Praying that they find their way in a world that sends so many wrong messages.  Most of all, praying they know how much we love them, how loyal we are to their best interest, and that we will always be a safe place no matter what.

I keep joking with some of my basketball mom friends that we need a raising teenager support group.  I would like it to include brunch because I love brunch.  Whose in?!?

Sneak Peak to Dinner tomorrow's Turkey Noodle Soup and some for the freezer!  

Sneak Peak to every minute of screen time he gets.  
Lil B escaped the camera today.  He had homework and piano lessons so he was occupied.  He won’t get away from me tomorrow.

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