Friday, December 20, 2019

DPP 2019 Days 19 and 20 - Chaos and Crunch Time

 Rich and I have learned something about ourselves this week.  There is a reason that we keep our world tidy.  The mere presence of a room that looks like the one above makes us irritable.  Interestingly, this is not the way we feel when it is another's space - just our own.   I attribute it to the fact so much of our life is crazy and this order gives a sense of peace. It has been a hard week as we adjust to having most of the house look disheveled like this room.  We are fortunate to have it be because our house is getting painted.  We are long overdue for a fresh coat of paint in our main living spaces.  We pushed it too far because we were hoping to get our children to a point in time where we might have some chance of them staying fresh looking for awhile.  There were places where the once light brown wall was so dirty it would look smudged even after washing and a magic eraser.   You do have to embrace some messy walls, scratched floors and tables, and stains in the carpet when living with four children.  But the end of this week leaves us with intact, freshly painted, and nice looking walls for the time being.  There is still that doorknob size hole in K's room from throwing her door open and I am certain that are many dings in the boys rooms too.   Now I need a friend with a gift for decorating to come help me identify what should go up on walls, help me pick out new rugs, and pull together my kitchen, family room, entry way and master bedroom.   That is just a gift that I didn't get.

It was crunch time last night for this lady.  Here she is working on her Geometry and really getting it down.  Regardless of how she performs on this exam, I know that she knows the material and she understands it.  This was followed up by several hours preparing for World Geography and English.  I am hopeful that she recognizes the disadvantage to cramming the night before - though she did work ahead on both English and Geometry.  I think we all have to learn through trial and error the ways we must study to be effective.  I don't worry about her though.  She is responsible and self-motivated.  She pushes herself to be better in school, sports, and in life.  Sometimes our role as parents is reminding her that growth is better than perfection and that we all need a little grace from time to time.  Mistakes are a part of life and, if we take time to learn from them, they make us better. 

This little lady is working hard too.   She turned down the opportunity to go shopping in stores for all her siblings and got to work making everyone a little something for Christmas.  She took such painstaking time and effort on the artwork that she made for each family member.   She cares so deeply and works so hard.   Here, she is carefully writing her tag for her gift for her teacher.  She is loving Kindergarten and she loves her teacher even more.

This is how this guy started my day before he headed out to school.  He always keeps things light and funny.   He is negotiating the world of humor, constantly trying to entertain people.  As he navigates this, he misses the mark sometimes.  He is learning in the process what is funny versus annoying, entertaining versus offensive.  It is cringy at times but when he gets it right (which is often), he really nails it.  This is a new gift of his that seems to be emerging and I will be interested to see where it takes him.   On this morning, with the house in war zone state, he just stood posed, waiting for me to notice him in his sister's ear muffs - flashed me the biggest, cheesiest stance and facial expression - and it made me genuinely laugh.  Just as quickly as he had done it, he returned to his normal getting ready routine and I took a moment to be grateful for these little flashes of humor that brighten my day.  And honestly - his outfit needs to be memorialized as well.  He is a t-shirt and pants guy every day at school.  He has 3 or 4 of shirts this color so it feels like he is always wearing this outfit.   He is happy as a clam in it so I let it be but I am sure there will come a day that I forget that this was his middle school "uniform" and that this post will remind me of who he was on this day and in this moment.

I caught this photo out a window upstairs before I headed down to start the get everyone out of the door chaos.   It was a good reminder of the calm in the world that we confuse with unnecessary chaos.  I love the chaos of our life most of the time because it is full of memories and fun.   But anyone who reads this blog knows that I cherish the moments when the chaos clears for a moment so that I can reflect and be intentional in recognizing the many blessings in my life.  Even in the morning hubbub to get out the door, there is time for sunrise admiration.   I called the three littles in to appreciate the quiet beauty with me.  They weren't nearly as impressed as I was - but perhaps it planted just a little seed so they take these moments in when they are older. 

Day 20
The only other photos from this two day period were from a party that Rich attends each year at a law firm that he works with every year.  He has become part of their work family and he really enjoys the people there.  They are kind enough to invite our whole family to their work Christmas party.   Unfortunately, I rarely get there because there is always someone who has somewhere to be.  Today, it was little B.  Since he was sick earlier this week, he needed to attend his basketball practice.  E opted to stay home and go to bed early after being up all night studying.  She has earned some well deserved down time.  I wish I would have taken a before and after picture of her.  She was visibly less stressed after school knowing that she was done with school until January.  Little B was sad to miss the party but accepted the responsibility to his team like a champ.  I was really impressed with his understanding of the importance of not missing his second practice.  So Big B and K got to go and represent with their Dad.  From what I am told, they had a wonderful time and so did Rich.

It never hurts when the Big Man himself stops by with a gift and a listening ear for Christmas wishes.  We didn't get them to see Santa anywhere else so we were grateful that he made time to come to the Christmas party.

Now - it is time for me to head back to crunch time for Christmas prep.  E's hard stressful time may be done, but I still have a ways to go.  Fortunately, we are on track to have everything done soon as long as I get to work now. 

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