Saturday, December 7, 2019

DPP2019 Day 5 and Day 6 A little bit grown up and a little bit little...

Day 6’s photo just cracked me up because it was just so cute.  Big B is pretty independent and has recently master some cooking skills.  Here he is making his favorite meal, scrambled eggs and toast.  I just love the juxtaposition of the casual hand on the hip mature chef stance while standing on a step stool.  Just a little bit grown up and a little bit little.   These moments are when you can actively see your babies growing and maturing.  Always bittersweet.

Little bit big, little bit small.  
Rich and I were able to get out tonight for a little while thanks to a neighbor babysitter who is amazing.  Not only is she sweet and kind, she brought preplanned crafts for the kiddos.  They made an adorable Olaf out of a toilet paper roll.   The littles thought it was the greatest.

Our outing tonight was for a parent bonding for basketball.  It was a little rough at first.  We missed our basketball parents we have grown close to these last several years.  A lot of these parents have been together on teams for a long time so Rich and I felt a little like fish out of water.  In that moment. . . I felt a little bit grown up and a little bit little.  Those moments of uncertainty or awkwardness that bring back those feelings that were supposed to be left back in middle school are always uncomfortable.  Fortunately, it didn't last long as you would expect.  These parents were fun people too.   We got to know some new parents and reconnected with some other parents. 

In general, I wasn't at my best today or yesterday.   The sleep that gets sacrificed for this blog becomes additive and I become shorter tempered.  I give less grace and patience to those who need it.   That is why I skipped last night's blog post.  I was tired and worn out.  I was hoping some rest would do me some good. But there was some good stuff in yesterday that I wish I had taken time to write about.  However, a trip to Lincoln to watch E's game - thanks to Kevin babysitting - took all evening.  But for today, here are a few snap shots and quick explanations. 
Game day....
How did she get this grown up this fast?  I had to get a picture of her heading off to school with her double back packs.  She tolerated my request before turning on her heel and heading off to school.  The distance makes her look a  little bit grown up and a little bit little in comparison to the big world around her.

Tis the season!!  This kiddo has probably had less antibiotics than most.  But a cracked corner of the mouth set up the perfect party location for some skin bacteria to invite all their friends over.   This pink stuff is going to break up that party lickity split!  I had to get a picture of this because he is so independent with this and he doesn't ever forget.  He is growing up so fast.  Lil B has always been very mature which makes us sometimes forget how little he still is.  This year has been a year of stretching and growing for him - which means it has been a hard year.  He has some people around him being unkind which has created some insecurity in his sense of self.  He doesn't let it steal his smile and upbeat attitude though.  As we support him through this time, I pray that we can find all those little wins to add to the big wins - and build that sense of self so that external forces cannot impact him so significantly anymore.  During those times. . . even the act of remembering your three times a day medicine and taking it independently gets a picture.

The Hoffs
I love this picture so much because it was completely unstaged.  I sat down to watch the game and suddenly I realized this grouping was right in front of me.  What is even more fun is that there could actually be another Hoff in this picture.  So naturally, I have titled it "The Hoffs".

E was lucky to have all her Aunts Billie and Barb, Uncle Rob, Cousin Sydney and Grandma come check out this first game.  I hope my kids grow up knowing how fortunate they are to have family that invests time and love into them on a regular basis.

Her first game as a high school player.

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