Saturday, December 14, 2019

DPP2019 Day 14 Some family bonding with a healthy dose of silly.....

The photo for Day 14 was from the end of the day.  It took some effort to convince everyone to join in the family room but we got there.  Kevin read us a story called "Santa's Underpants".  This plays well in the elementary demo with guffaws in all the right places.  The middle school and high school demo can be seen smiling and being humored.  A silly book but a cute one.  Then we snuggled in to watch the old school Santa Claus is Coming to Town.  The older I get, these are the moments that I love most about this season.  With Christmas creating a sort of deadline,  we squeeze in these sweet moments before bedtimes.  These types of memories are my favorite way to have some family bonding.

Due to Big B not feeling his best on Friday night, Saturday morning started slow and easy.    Big B had his activities cancelled due to his under the weatherness which allowed space for everyone before afternoon basketball settled in.   Little b was allowed a special treat to get to go by himself to his grandparents house and have a sleepover with them and Uncle Kevin.  This left Big B and K to have a morning to themselves while E was at basketball practice and team bonding.  They worked together to make a warm breakfast of eggs and toast, both taking their jobs very seriously.  They also snacked on Veggie straws while they cooked.  Listening to their little conversations and assembly line updates was pretty cute.  K is really lucky to have three siblings that love to hang with her and they are lucky to have a little sister who thinks they hang the moon. 

After the breakfast was made, there was time for games.  B decided to teach K about Monopoly.  Besides a few "loans" from the bank, that were at least in equal amounts to both of them, they played a fairly true to the rules game.  B verified his trades to make sure they were fair.  And he was rewarded with the sweet admiration and trust from his sister.   The picture with K looking at B is blurry but that face as she looks at him was one that I couldn't pass up.  This was a biggest brother and littlest sister bonding day - to the point that little b was a little jealous when he returned home.  He and K are usually the ones running off to play.  Pretty sure K liked having them both want to be with her.  Being the diplomat, she had a plan that would include everyone.  No way was she being made to choose between two of her favorite people.

Perhaps the best part from today was the stop between practice and team bonding.  This is the story that I promised you when writing yesterday's blog.  E has always had an excellent sense of humor but has reached a stage where she embarrasses a bit more easily than what has been typical.  This is a brutal family to be part of if you embarrass easily.  We embrace authenticity over being cool.  Real over polished.  Crazy over boring.  This was on fine display as E had a friend over, who is from Switzerland and here as an exchange student, so they could relaxing before time for team bonding.  Just hanging out and minding their own business, little did they know what was to come.

Well, Rich decided this was the precise moment that E needed to mold her new super thin mouth guard to her mouth.  (E is not excited about this - which means she will not wear it - but it has been provided so those consequences will be hers to handle).  I suddenly realize that a little backstory is needed.  Rich has always been one to use sarcasm to captain obvious questions - this caused great confusion before our kids were old enough to comprehend sarcasm.  This morning, little b rode along to pick up E and her friend from practice.  As several basketball players were all walking to their cars, little b asks, "why is E at school on a Saturday?"  Rich quickly replied, "Cheerleading tryouts."  Little b quickly realized after this wrong answer that he knew the answer to his question, giggled, and said, "Wow - there is lots of competition."  So back to the mouth guard, while trying to engage E and her friend in conversation, he brought up cheerleading tryouts.  Then he proceeded to do his version of cheerleading moves and a cheer that went something like, "Mold the guard, mold, mold the guard."  The absurdity of a 40+ year old man attempting kicks and jumps, while clapping and chanting is something we shall never forget.  For you, you must use your imagination and I have this picture to help you appreciate it.   The resulting faces of the teenagers were absolutely priceless.  The combination of disbelief and laughter was hysterical to watch. 

Oh?  Did I fail to mention he was also in Homer Simpson slippers?  Yep, that's my guy.    Such good form on his kicks and arms, eh?   One of my favorite things about Rich is that he doesn't take himself, life, or the opinion of others too seriously.  He is just an authentically good guy who will do anything to make those he loves laugh or smile.  He is disarmingly charming which lets him get away with his goofy nerdiness.  He is just one of those people that people can't help but like - even if their first impression was a little crazy.   E will learn to embrace the crazy - until then...... she will blush a lot.
When K saw that Windle was holding the Grinch that she created out of construction paper and glitter paint, she created this artwork for him.   I thought it was too cute not to take a photo. I love her heart and her inner artist.

Best buddies.

Oh Teddy is so happy that Pawee is back in town and stopping by to see him.  Teddy LOVES Kevin and Pawee on a totally different level than the rest of the world.   It makes his day when either one comes to see him.  For the record, Teddy believes that it is always to see him - even when they come for other reasons.   Pawee pretends to not like Teddy. . . .but we know better.....

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