Friday, December 2, 2022

Tripods - DPP Day 2

 Today’s photo may not be the reason for the blog title but this is certainly a tripod of buddies.   After a dinner out, indulging both my Dad’s and Rich’s craving for a certain nacho typical restaurant (ew), we helped with the final touches of Mom and Dad's Christmas tree decorating.  K found an ornament that was a miniature of something she had seen many times on her frequent visits.   Quickly she found it and brought it to Mom.  Dad is telling her here how my mom painted both the big and the little.  

Just a sweet photo of K and LilB getting along while out to dinner.  These two have two modes right now.  Either, they are the best of friends or mortal enemies.  They can fluctuate between the two at dizzying speeds.  

Somewhere in the evening photo albums from our childhood were brought out.  I think we were looking for photos to show the kids what shag carpet looks like.  But in it was found a photo of me doing a head stand.  Mockingly, my Dad asked if I could still do that.  The answer is no - which was a surprise to no one except maybe me.  Naturally, I had to try it anyway.  What is a surprise is that I can still do a tripod.  When the kids saw this, they thought, "Well that must be easy!"  I was pleased to see them have to work their way up to it.  Plus it make for some funny pictures.  K got angry and gave up at first.  That probably had more to do with the late hour than true frustration, but I love Big B's face when she finally got it.  This whole adventure gave us all belly laughs, opportunities to encourage and coach, and a good grit building activity.  One of those simple things that might otherwise be long forgotten if not for this December project.  Now we can keep it as a core memory of joy on a regular, otherwise uneventful Friday night.  

Only Lil b made it into a headstand - though only briefly.  I feel certain the other two will keep trying. . . 

Today I was intentional and grateful for taking a moment with my mom that allowed me some time to feel something I hadn't in a long time.  I had left work with a bad headache and when we were at dinner, the tylenol hadn't kicked in yet.  So I just laid down my head on my mom's shoulder and reminded her that my head hurt.  Now, in the pre-Alzheimer's days, she would have patted my head or rubbed my temples - but she just tipped her head to rest on mine. Just like she has always done for me, it made both my head and my heart feel better to have just this little reminder of what it is like to have your mama around to help you when you need it.  When I tried to snap a picture of it, her only comment was - "when did I get so old?"  Seems like the moment took her back to a simpler time too.  

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