Monday, December 12, 2022

Why Monday? DPP 2022 Day 12

 This was my only photo from today.  Lil B's team won their division for their Fall Basketball league.  It was a little crazy managing a Monday night tournament game but we made it work and rescheduled what we could. It was a hard fought battle but they came out victorious against a team whom had previously beaten them.  

This image is a good reminder of this phase of life.  The running from work to activities.  Home with enought time to throw some concoction together for dinner before quickly doing studying spelling or helping with homework.  Quick bedtime routines long after the preferred bedtime.  I end the day tired and feeling like things were not accomplished that needed to be.  That I should have had a better plan for dinner and had thought the day through better.  It was a rainy, dreary, and cold Monday.  I am sitting here at the end of the day feeling my mental space matching that vibe.  

When I feel this way, I often feel ungrateful or inadequate.  Maybe I will see a meme that says, soak it all in, it goes so fast.  Mom guilt comes rushing in and increases that feelings of not appreciating my blessings.  As I sit here and I remember why I do this blog.  It is to be real and to give an honest account of our lives as they are now.  But what I have learned is that I can have days to be tired and feel like I am not keeping up.  That my parenting wasn't what I wanted it to be.  I can be ok reflecting on it tomorrow for growth.  Most importantly, none of that changes how grateful I am for this life.  My hearts expands just thinking about Rich and the kids.  I wouldn't trade any part of this busy, chaotic, and imperfect life.  I love my kids to the moon and back even on their worst days.  So I am giving myself permission to feel the sad days, the hard days, the guilt riddled days, or even the rainy cold and dreary days.  No one really cherishes every moment - it isn't possible.  Time manages to fade away the hard and leaves behind it the beautiful memories that make us want the next crew to cherish every moment.  

Mondays have quite the reputation for being so problematic leaving us asking why.  I wonder if Mondays are actually the gift that highlights the good in the rest of times.  Maybe we need an off day now and again to be reminded of how good the good days are.     

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