Friday, December 16, 2022

Forging Friendships - DPP2022 Day 16


When these two met, I am not sure Teddy was sure this was a good idea.  Now, they live in different homes but when given the opportunity to be together, we find they have forged a connection.  They are becoming friends over time.  Sometimes friendship takes time, sometimes it is immediate.  It varies on whether it lasts a season or a lifetime.  I only have a few lifetime friends and they are people I am sure I could not exist without.  Today, I was reminded the tremendous joy and gift there is in forever friends.  Even those who join in late in the game or those who came and went - all friendships are such a blessing in how they shape our life, support us through the hard stuff, and gift us with memories.  

I spent most of the day working through a long list of Christmas preparation work.  Leaving little time for anything else.  When Dad called to ask me to come help my mom get ready for her Christmas dinner with the Grazers, I was happy to help.  Lil B offered to come with me.  

Here Lil B is teasing his Omom that he is going to be the one to do her hair and make up.  He is showing her where he is going to put make up.  You can see what a good sport she is as she smiles at him.  

Being in the bathroom with my mom brings back so many memories of getting ready for school pictures or dance recitals.  The hours she spent fluffing and buffing my hair for different events are too numerous to count.  Every time I do this for her, I am touched by the closeness that comes from chatting and doing hair and make up.  If she had her memory, she likely would hate that she needs help with this.  She never wanted to put others out.  However, if we weren't here, I would miss out on these sweet moments that just feel special.  We laugh when I attempt something that just doesn't work.  We figured it out in the long run.   

Pretty great looking couple!   They had a dinner with some lifelong friends that they have known so long that I consider them friends too.  They are a delightful and fun bunch.  They show up for each other when it matters and they love each other just as they are.  Knowing each other's strengths and weaknesses and seeing the value in both.  These friendships born out of their kid's activity were likely an unexpected gift of middle adulthood.  A gift greater than anything that can be wrapped up in a box.  

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