Sunday, December 1, 2019

DPP2019 Day 1 Enough


It is that time of year again.  Each year, I think, I have enough to do.  I should skip this.  Enough.  A funny word both in the way it is spelled and in its many uses.  As I always do, I decided that this blog continues to be a written reminder of where our family is and what memories we form each year.  I wish I could write once a month or once a week like I plan to each year but each year I find myself back here on December 1st without any new posts.  So this photo project becomes an important memory keeper for us.  If you follow along, I would love to hear from you in the comments or in person.

Today's is titled "Enough!" because that is how we felt at multiple times during the day.  I think as parents we are looking for those Hallmark movie family moments with our loved ones especially during the holiday season.  Today, I had planned to decorate the Christmas tree as a family, with Christmas music playing, smiles, giggles and laughter.   First - there wasn't enough time.  Lil b had a tournament game, E worked and then had team pictures, and I had a girls night planned in the evening.  We had just enough time in the afternoon to get it done.  Well the teenager marched down to her room, put her pjs on and went back to bed, the littles were fighting over everything and anything, and Big B just had other things he wanted to do.  Even mom and dad were on edge and snippy with one another.  Hardly the family memories we had hoped to create.  I was ready to push it all to another day and call this day a loss.  Big B's look here is what we were really all feeling.
Enough - dpp2019 Day 1

However, as things tend to do, the tide changed a bit.  Slowly, the ornaments came out.  The kids began to look at them and place them on the tree.  We had enough ornaments for two trees but we managed to find a home for them all on this one.  Climbing on ladders to reach high enough.  Imperfectly perfect placement of three ornaments on one branch and then none for a foot to the right of that branch.  The Bigs getting the ornaments out, the Littles placing them while learning to take care with the breakable ones.

Definitely one of those wonderfully sweet moments

Social Media Tree Decorating....
The tree got decorated.  It wasn't as fun as it usually is.  There wasn't as much storytelling around the ornaments or as many smiles.  But it was enough.  It was good family time with a smattering of shiny wonderful moments in amongst the rest of it.  And at the end of the day, we have a beautiful tree to enjoy throughout the holiday season.   Some days, we get the Hallmark movie moments with our families and some days we learn how to make the best of it.  Either way, we are left with enough love, enough memories, and enough joy to add to our family fabric.
 Things to remember:
Big B was super helpful this year and was by far the most eager to participate.  This is a big change from most years.  Normally he puts up a few ornaments and heads for the hills.
Lil B helped all day finding lights that were out, helping to put outside lights up with Dad. Such a happy kid and helper.
E is just a teenager - she can't help it.  But unlike most teenagers, she left the crabby behind and really engage in the best parts.  I love how sweet she is with K.  Plus she took some great pictures!  See one below.
K is usually a joy and a total sweetheart - today she showed signs of too much holiday weekend.  Even so, she still gives us that light up face with each ornament she doesn't remember ever seeing before.  Makes the experience even more fun.

by E - the budding photog


Kenneth Nash Jr. said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LERV LERV this every year. Man, oh man, nobody exists like the hallmark movies. That's why they exist. It's all fantastic fantasy. Being one of four kids I can vouch for the fact that no family event is ever perfect with four little bundles of emotions, but you can see the love in your family regardless. I'm still shocked Rich would ever allow the ornament placement to be out of balance though.

Unknown said...

At the end of the day, REAL is what we get. Letting go of the idealized version of our life is important. Easier to find joy or humor or lessons in our moments. #LTSG:) <3 ya!!

Staci Gray said...

Love your blogs! Helps me keep my mind on the positives of the day and acceptance. You are a beautiful writer because of your beautiful soul and your heart comes through.